
Re: Be on the lookout for bugs please! (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in Comment Reply Notification on 2014-04-28 04:37 (#176)

Which username? Try clicking the "Sign Out" button (if it thinks you are still logged in), or even clearing the cookie manually.

Re: The value of a good book (Score: 1)

by in The Economics of Writing a Book on 2014-04-28 04:34 (#175)

Because I'm running with NoScript, I didn't even see the comment section. The page is obnoxious with JavaScript being pulled from 3 different sites to display the comments.

Be on the lookout for bugs please! (Score: 3, Informative)

by in Comment Reply Notification on 2014-04-28 03:35 (#172)

This really was a large update. Although I've gone back and tested pretty much every function of the site, I may have missed something. If you spot a bug, please be sure to report it!

The value of a good book (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in The Economics of Writing a Book on 2014-04-28 03:13 (#171)

15 Billion. That's the total net revenue that U.S. publishers took in last year. By some measures, it's a great deal of money-representing the hundreds of thousands of trade hardcovers, paperbacks, ebooks, and audiobooks that get bought and sold annually in the United States. By other measures, it's hardly a blip on the multi-trillion dollar economic landscape, a pittance of a percentage of the American GDP. To put it in perspective, it's about one-tenth of Apple's revenue and barely more than one-third of Apple's profit over the last fiscal year.
All U.S. book revenue added together = 1/10 of Apple's revenue is just a striking little fact to me. Either the value of books is vastly under-represented or the value of Apple is vastly over-represented. Probably both.

Re: In the spirit of adding a comment (Score: 1)

by in SpaceX CRS-3 on 2014-04-27 05:26 (#16M)

to flying spacecraft to the moon.
Lets just hope they can recreate that one some day :)

Re: 3 weeks old news... (Score: 3, Interesting)

by in Spotting Bad Science on 2014-04-26 20:33 (#16G)

I know of a few people that should really have this poster hanging on their wall.

Besides, for those that haven't seen it yet:

Re: Pipedot Needs People! (Score: 2, Informative)

by in Netgear Hides Router Backdoor Instead of Fixing It on 2014-04-26 06:45 (#16C)

Notifications enabled.

LibreSSL (Score: 1)

by in OpenSSL bug sparks new development on 2014-04-24 20:07 (#15Q)

The OpenBSD project's fork of OpenSSL is now called: LibreSSL

Re: Working as intended (Score: 3, Funny)

by in Lack of GUI Isolation as Linux security flaw on 2014-04-20 02:54 (#14Q)

Interestingly, the Thunar file manager under xfce (Xubuntu 8.10) is doing something that Gnome's and KDE's file managers are not doing: It will flag the desktop launcher file as potential malware and thus prevent execution via a simple click.
XFCE ftw! And that was back in 2008!

Working as intended (Score: 3, Informative)

by in Lack of GUI Isolation as Linux security flaw on 2014-04-18 21:56 (#14E)

She's describing expected behavior. I don't see anything resembling "an inherent security flaw" in either X or Windows. If you don't trust the programs running in your user environment, you surely shouldn't expect additional security in an elevated privilege window inside that environment.

Also, the part about Windows doing anything different is complete BS. The article "Running Vista Every Day!" shows her clear lack of understanding on what UAC is doing.

Re: School Computer Lab (Score: 3, Informative)

by in Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Released on 2014-04-17 22:47 (#141)

If you are looking for familiarity, I'd suggest avoiding Unity or Gnome Shell (including Edubuntu) based versions. XFCE, KDE, and LXDE are far more friendly toward new converts. XFCE and LXDE have significantly "lighter" computer requirements. Since your computers have XP they are likely over 10 years old and may have limited resources. Also, all flavors of Ubuntu share the same base package libraries. You will still be able to easily download the same educational programs from the package manager.

Re: Impressive rate of progress (Score: 1)

by in Weekly Update on 2014-04-16 18:22 (#13H)

I'd rather take the approach of ownCloud . Offer a usable example with reasonable limits on - then point advanced users to the GPL package. That way, if you want to upload gigs of family pictures to your pipecode blog, you will be using your own server and won't take away resources from the main site. News articles, friends lists, and karma tracking are still all linked in the network, but the burden of allocating hard drive space and bandwidth are distributed.

Re: Impressive rate of progress (Score: 3, Informative)

by in Weekly Update on 2014-04-16 02:50 (#130)

Yes. I read your 3 part series. However, some of the links are broken. For example, is there a way to get a cached version of ?

Re: Impressive rate of progress (Score: 4, Interesting)

by in Weekly Update on 2014-04-15 12:05 (#12N)

Thank you for the offer to help. I did create a github organization and project like you asked and will start pushing pieces up over the next few weeks. The authentication code will likely be this week. My goal has always been to release more of the pipecode project once the distributed parts are close enough to work reasonably well. The idea is for anyone to be able to extract a tarball on a standard webserver and have a working pipecode setup. And linked to every other pipecode installation.

There is a bittorrent network with distributed hash tables and magnet links. There is a bitcoin network with a distributed transaction log. About time there is a distributed news network.

Non-AC (Score: 1)

by in Weekly Update on 2014-04-14 06:47 (#127)


That's no moon. (Score: 2, Funny)

by in First Exomoon Discovered? on 2014-04-11 18:49 (#120)

It's a space station!

Re: In Response to Editor's Note (Score: 4, Informative)

by in Link between video games and violence might be user frustration on 2014-04-09 18:05 (#11D)

Woops, side effect of raising the default moderation score to 1 for non-AC comments.

Should be fixed now.

Re: rss? (Score: 1)

by in RSS Feed on 2014-04-07 21:41 (#10G)

Maybe use the bright orange feed icon to make it stand out more?

RSS and Atom feeds (Score: 3, Insightful)

by in Where to find credible, interesting science and tech stories to submit? on 2014-04-04 23:52 (#ZP)

Most news sites have a RSS or Atom feed. Subscribe to them with your favorite feed reader, or even a feed page, like the one offered here, so that you can get an overview of many different sites all at once. If you see something interesting, submit it; even if it's just a link. There is a voting mechanism in the pipe to help filter out the bland stuff and promote the good stuff.

Re: Class action screwiness (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in DRAM Manufacturers Settle in Price Fixing Class Action Suit on 2014-04-04 17:38 (#ZG)

Probably the best part of the whole thing was this line from the PDF:
In addition, Defendants have agreed not to engage in the conduct, that is the subject of the lawsuits, and have also agreed to compliance training and cooperation.

Time to pick a new one (Score: 2, Informative)

by in Mozilla foundation's new CEO causes concern due to anti-gay-marriage views on 2014-04-03 23:39 (#Z2)

Seems he is stepping down as CEO.

Price Stability (Score: 1)

by in Bitcoin Explained in Five Minutes on 2014-04-03 09:45 (#YR)

I think Bitcoin's lack of price stability over short periods is its biggest hurdle ATM.

For example, you have 1 BTC: two weeks ago it was worth $150, last week it was worth $1100, this week it's value is $450. Hardly confidence inspiring.

Re: A litle confused about the info here (Score: 1)

by in Kerbal Space Program on 2014-04-03 02:14 (#YM)

Is Kerbal a NASA program?

My knowledge of it only comes from XKCD: Six Words and ADD (title text only)

Different levels (Score: 4, Informative)

by in Mozilla foundation's new CEO causes concern due to anti-gay-marriage views on 2014-04-02 03:52 (#XX)

The Costco example was simply an accidental misnaming of merchandise. It was nothing too serious and was quickly remedied by the company when someone complained.

The Firefox example was one individual donating his own money to an organization. Again, hardly an issue and barely related to the company.

Chick-fil-a was using the company's policies to push their religious views. Starting to slide down that slippery slope here.

The Hobby Lobby case was - geez - the company challenging the healthcare of their own employees to serve their own religious beliefs. Sure hope SCOTUS knocks some sense into that company.

Re: Great interview (Score: 4, Informative)

by in Can a Requirement for Credentials Be Overcome in Science Today? on 2014-04-02 03:27 (#XW)

You can defiantly excel at computer science without a formal degree. With a lot of self-taught "street smarts" from working in the practical word, you can do some neat stuff. But, some of the more academic upper level courses are amazingly insightful.

Although I opted for "just the B.S." credential, I took over a dozen upper level classes that had zero effect on my chosen degree. And wow those classes where neat. You are unlikely to develop a large Prolog application in the real world. Or build a fully functional MIPS CPU using only NAND gates. Or understand the differences between Third normal form and Boyce Codd normal form. Or apply the math behind transformation matrices and construct your own 3D rendering library. Or calculate the bandwidth of digital communication channels with the Nyquist theorem. Etc, etc...

My point being, those that skip the formal classes are skipping a significant amount of background knowledge behind the degree. You can still get this knowledge on your own self-study schedule, but the University has it all wrapped up in a neat little package for you.

Re: Innacurate Icons (Score: 1)

by in Logo Contest and Other Updates on 2014-04-02 00:09 (#XT)

I went through no less than 5 different gun icons. They all looked like crap IMO but I was spending too much time on it and I really just wanted something better than a chemistry beaker for the recent "gunshot victim" article. This icon in particular will probably get replaced.

Re: Beta hate much (Score: 1)

by in Pet peevs of website design on 2014-04-01 14:15 (#XD)

Is it too late to recheck the box 'garish colors?'
You can recast your vote as many times as you like. Simply click the vote link. Your old votes, obviously, get replaced by the new ones.

Re: For me it would be the (Score: 4, Insightful)

by in Pet peevs of website design on 2014-03-31 23:24 (#WV)

Oh, or the abuse of scrolling to animate the page. I'm not really sure what you call it, but here is an example:

Re: Testing 一 二 三 (Score: 1)

by in Logo Contest and Other Updates on 2014-03-31 17:34 (#WM)

Αυτά μου φαίνονται αλαμπουρνέζικα.

Testing 一 二 三 (Score: 1)

by in Logo Contest and Other Updates on 2014-03-31 17:28 (#WK)

γειά σου
Fancy quotes: "hello world"
Em dashes: foo - bar
Math: sin²(θ) + cos²(θ) = 1

Re: Beta hate much (Score: 2, Informative)

by in Pet peevs of website design on 2014-03-31 17:16 (#WJ)

ROFL. At first I was wondering if you where speaking in haiku, or maybe you where still lost in Usenet with the manual line breaks, but then I read the Capitalized vertical letters.


Re: Battery Recycling (Score: 1)

by in Tesla's Lithium-Ion batteries causing a ruckus in the USA and China on 2014-03-25 19:26 (#TQ)

There is just not enough known lithium deposits for every car owner to go out and buy an electric vehicle. Heck, according to this article, there isn't enough lead for a similar massively scaled lead-acid battery. Recycling old batteries would at least help.

Re: Wired... (Score: 1)

by in Tesla's Lithium-Ion batteries causing a ruckus in the USA and China on 2014-03-25 19:16 (#TP)

I think mounting a pad under your desk surface to covert it into a wireless charging top would be neat. Just place your mouse, phone, music player, etc on top of the desk and the field created by the pad would power the device and begin trickle charging it. There are already some products that do something similar, but the pad is placed on top of the desk (very short range transmission) and the phone normally needs a bulky case to hide the receiver coil (not many phones have this built in).

Doesn't Matter (Score: 5, Insightful)

by in Electronic Cigarettes May Not Help Smokers Quit on 2014-03-25 10:36 (#T0)

Anything that keeps me from having to smell ashtray when a smoker walks by is OK in my book. From my experience, the vapors of e-cigs are simply unnoticeable. And even if they where noticeable by a non-smoker, they tend to be pleasant - strawberry flavored pleasant.

Benefits of non-smokers forced to be around chain smokers > anything on the smoker end.

Re: I don't care (Score: 3, Insightful)

by in Diablo 3 Expansion Reaper of Souls on 2014-03-24 17:56 (#SH)

Sim City, at least, has an offline mode now. Too bad they didn't start with it, they could have avoided a lot of bad press and flames.

Re: A small bug (Score: 3)

by in Pipedot Status Update on 2014-03-24 11:55 (#S2)

Thanks. Fixed.

Battery Recycling (Score: 3, Interesting)

by in Tesla's Lithium-Ion batteries causing a ruckus in the USA and China on 2014-03-24 11:49 (#S0)

The lead acid battery recycling program (for automobile batteries) is one of the most successful recycling programs ever. Here's hoping that a similar program will exist for all these new Lithium car battery packs.

Re: Beginning of something more. (Score: 2, Informative)

by in Cable TV subscribers down for the first time on 2014-03-21 21:45 (#RE)

Although there is a bit of a time delay, I'm happy with the blurays of HBO's Game of Thrones and Rome from Netflix.

North Korean Traffic Girls (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in Street Light Robots of Kinshasa on 2014-03-21 21:08 (#RB)

Stainless version of the north Korean traffic girls ?

Re: keep it up (Score: 3, Funny)

by in Which features are the most important? on 2014-03-21 04:46 (#QQ)

It seems that, currently, the NSA backdoor "feature" is 3x more popular than the daily mailer! :)

links (Score: 1)

by in Operation Windigo - Linux ssh exploit and bot net on 2014-03-20 08:09 (#PT)

Re: More options (Score: 1)

by in Which features are the most important? on 2014-03-18 20:11 (#NS)

Maybe you could add this link/meta-data, to make the feed more accessible?

Re: keep it up (Score: 2, Funny)

by in Which features are the most important? on 2014-03-18 20:09 (#NR)

Submit stories!

Chrome (Score: 3, Informative)

by in Mozilla pulls the plug on Win8 version of Firefox, citing lack of demand on 2014-03-18 09:25 (#N0)

I think Chrome has a metro interface. I've never seen it though.

Re: Can't figure out how to include links in summary (Score: 1)

by in Microsoft Tools Group Adopts Open Floor Plan on 2014-03-18 09:04 (#MZ)

Ampersands where disabled until this weekend. They should work now.

Approval Voting (Score: 5, Informative)

by in Which features are the most important? on 2014-03-16 05:45 (#KF)

More information on this poll can be found here.

And yes, the NSA option is a joke !

Wow (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in Dicephalic Parapagus Twins Born in India on 2014-03-16 05:12 (#KE)

I hadn't heard of Abby and Brittany before. That's so cool how they've learned to share the same body, even to the point of typing on a keyboard.

Are Aeron chairs worth it? (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in What do you use for an ergonomic workstation? on 2014-03-15 22:28 (#K6)

The fake leather in my own office chairs have formed some uncomfortable cracks, and I've been looking for a good replacement. I've heard some people rave about the Herman Miller Aeron chairs, but I'm a little put off by their $600+ prices. Are they really worth it? Or are you just paying for the brand? If that's the case, can anyone recommend a knock-off version at a reasonable price point? :P

ampersands (Score: 1)

by in What do you for an ergonomic workstation? on 2014-03-15 21:25 (#K5)

apples & oranges

&alpha to ω

Re: 2016 (Score: 2, Funny)

by in How America Celebrates Pi Day on 2014-03-15 20:25 (#K4)

Just a preview button!

I think the main reason why there is no edit button on slash-like sites is because of the comment moderation. Otherwise, you could write a very good comment, wait for it to get +5, Informative and then edit it to say something troll-ish.